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FAR-FIELD ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS WITH THE HP 8510 NETWORK ANALYZER John W. Boyles Network Measurements Division 1400 Fountain Grove Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95401 RF & Microwave Measurement Symposium and Exhibition r/ifl'l HEWLETT ~~ PACKARD ABSTRACT: This paper describes the application of the HP 8510 network analyzer to far-field antenna measurements. Several hardware configurations are described, including a newly developed configuration for making antenna measurements using harmonic mixers. Short-distance, long-distance, and radar cross-section ranges are described, and measurement examples are given for each category. In addition, the paper discusses the use of time domain gating as a means of eliminating the effects of ground path reflection, which is one of the major prob- lem areas encountered in far-field antenna measurements. Several measurement examples are given that show the improvements that can occur using gating. Author: John W. Boyles, Applications Engineer, Hewlett-Packard Network Measure- ment Division, Santa Rosa, CA. He received a BS degree from North Carolina State University in 1978 and a MS degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1979, both in electrical engineering. With HP since 1979, he joined as a R&D engineer doing microwave and analog circuit design, and was one of the designers of the HP 8340A synthesized sweeper. In 1984, he became an applications engineer for the high performance network analyzers, specializing in the areas of time do- main network measurements, and antenna and radar cross-section measurements. This paper describes the application of the HP 8510 Network Analyzer to far-field antenna measurements. FAR-FIELD ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS WITH THE HP 8510 NETWORK ANALYZER 4445 The HP 8510 network analyzer is a high performance stimulus/response measurement system that consists of a microwave source, a test set, and the HP 8510A as receiver and system controller. There are several different measurement configura- tions available that can be customized to specific applica tions. Shown in this pic- t

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