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Tektronix 7a19 sm free download

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IN U TI N MANUAL Tektronix, Inc . P .O . Box 500 Beaverton, Oregon 97077 Serial Number 070-2129-00 First Printing MAY 1976 rit", shoki ;6 Ile -(Akei! Q~' Wth your 1 r 1~~ 9ifleei -i i'eul"%IuotaVve . :' ;II requesu far repairs aud repiaceivieui parts shouid ije your 3re .Svvik service . Nuac ,, : siziisw: , k; g I t U I I i i' Y i-' t", A I I i i . "' 0 i 'P, " i ", .t Nurnbur mid Seria ; Number with all requests for parts or SMVW' ; . ('nfjyg- iqht 1 '3 77 . m . w material copvriulit 1976 . by Uregon . printed ivi the United "itates o--- Ainerica . All rights reserved . Contents of this reproduced A any form without publication imay not be "imliua of Tektrmiix, he. USA . and F'oreign I hK I KONIX products covered by U .S . and foieiqu ;iidlor paieuis Pelluing . Paieuts K'r 1~4 () N iX i7 Icktronix, I CONTENT SECTION 1 SPECIFICATION Introduction Option 4 SECTION 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Front Panel Controls and Connectors Operating Instructions and Checkout Applications SECTION 3 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Block Diagram Detailed Circuit Description SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE Preventive Maintenance Troubleshooting Corrective Maintenance SECTION 5 CALIBRATION Performance Check Test Equipment Required Calibration Procedure Index to Calibration Procedure SECTION 6 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST SECTION 7 DIAGRAMS Circuit Board Illustrations Semiconductor Electrode Configurations SECTION 8 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST Exploded View Drawing CHANGE INFORMATION 1243-12 Fig . 1-1 . 7A19 Amplifier plug-in (Left) and 7A19 with Variable delay option (Right) . 7A19 REV . A, AUG . 1976 Section 1-7A19 Introduction The following electrical characteristics are valid over the stated environmental range for instruments calibrated at an ambient temperature of +20

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