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XEROX BUSINESS SYSTEMS System Development Division November 15. 1977 To: Distribution From: Dick Sweet Subject: Mesa Language Working Group minutes The Language Working Group met on 11 November, 1977. The items considered were inline procedures and monitors. Inline Procedures It was decided that while the design from the previous meeting about calling inline or out of line was ok, it was a lot of new syntax. The desire to call an INLINE procedure out of line can be largely met by declaring another procedure whose entire body is an inline call of the first one. The current proposal is to implement INLINE procedure that are callable only in an open coded fashion. It was also noted that inline procedures allow for some approximation of default parameters. Monitors XEtax SDD ARCHIVES Recall the items from last week I have read and understood Pages _________ To _________ 1. Independent FORK 2. Retu rn type of a FORK Reviewer # of Pages Date ---- Ret .!-I/7!St:>D..3~1 3. Questions of scope 4. Initial ization of Monitors and condition variables 5. Monitor priority 6. Condition timeout 7. Aborts 8. Interaction with SIGNALS Item 3. Scope Scope, has become a discussion of the way in which the actual lock of a monitor is specified. The following syntax was chosen: 2 The basic style, with lock implicitly supplied: M: MONITOR [

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