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Now downloading free:xerox DebugUtilityDefs.mesa Sep78

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File name:DebugUtilityDefs.mesa_Sep78.pdf
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Model:DebugUtilityDefs.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:DebugUtilityDefs.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug DebugUtilityDefs.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name DebugUtilityDefs.mesa_Sep78.pdf

DebugUtilityDefs.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1 DebugUtilityDefs,m~sa Edited by: Johns. " August 29. 1978 9:33 AM Sand, . ~ay 24. 1978 10:11 AM Barb" July 18. 1978 9:25 AM DIRECTORY AllocDefs: FROM "allocdefs" USING [SwappingProcedure]. AltoDefs: FROM "a1todofs" USING [BYTE]. ControlDefs: FROM "contro1defs" USING [ BytePC. FrameHandle. GFTIndex. Globa1FrameHandle. ProcDesc. SVPointer]. CoreSwapDefs: FROM "coreswapdefs" USING [SVPointer. SwapReason]. DebugBreakptDefs: FROM "debugbreakptdefs" USING [CodeObject]. DebuggerDefs: FROM "debuggerdefs" USING [LA]. ProcessDefs: FROM "processdefs" USING [Priority. ProcessHandle]. SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs" USING [ AccessOptions. Fi1eHand1e. FileSegmentHand1e. PageCount. PageNumber]. StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [SubString]; DEFINITIONS FROM Contro1Defs. SegmentDefs; DebugUti1ityDefs: DEFINITIONS SHARES ProcessDefs a BEGIN AddCommand: PROCEDURE [tag: STRING. proc: PROCEDURE]; AllocOnDrum: PROCEDURE [useg: FileSegmentHandle] RETURNS [POINTER]; Bound: PROCEDURE [UNSPECIFIED] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; CacheNewFile: PROCEDURE [name: STRING. access: AccessOptions] RETURNS [file: FileHandle]; CheckFrame: PROCEDURE [f: FrameHandle] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]: CodeFi1e: PROCEDURE [f: Globa1FrameHandle] RETURNS [FileHand1e]: CoreSwap: PROCEDURE [why: CoreSwapDefs.SwapReason]; DebugUtilitiesInit: PROCEDURE; FileName: PROCEDURE [name: STRING. file: Fi1eHand1e]: FindOrigina1: PROCEDURE [copy: G1obalFrameHandle] RETURNS [GlobalFrameHand1e]; FindSymbolTable: PROCEDURE [name: STRING] RETURNS [file: Fi1eHandle. base: PageNumber, pages: PageCount]: F1ushCodeSegmentCache: PROCEDURE; FlushCoreCache: AllocDefs.SwappingProcedure; FreeOnDrum: PROCEDURE [f: Globa1FrameHand1e]: GetCurrentStateFromPSB: PROCEDURE RETURNS [SVPointer]; GetProcessPriority: PROCEDURE [psb: ProcessDefs.ProcessHand1e] RETURNS [ProcessDefs.Priority]: GFtoCode: PROCEDURE [f: GlobalFrameHand1e] RETURNS [DebugBreakptDefs.CodeObject]; Initia1izeDrum: PROCEDURE; Inva1idatefi1eCache: PROCEDURE; LengthenPo inter: PROCEDURE [POINTER] -RETURNS [LONG POINTER]; LoadNew: PROCEDURE [file: STRING] RETURNS [Globa1FrameHand1e]; LongREAD: PROCEDURE [a: LONG POINfER] RETURNS [UNSPECIFIED]: LongWRITE: PROCEDURE [a: LONG POINTER, v: UNSPECIFIED]: MakeProcedureDescriptor: PROCEDURE [ep: CARDINAL, gframe: G1obalFrameHandle] RETURNS [pd: ProcDesc]: MapUserSegment: PROCEDURE [useg: FileSegmentHand1e] RETURNS [seg: FileSegmentHandle]; AREAD, MREAD, SREAD: PROCEDURE [a: UNSPECIFIED] RETURNS [UNSPECIFIED]: ReadCodeByte: PROCEDURE [gframe: Globa1FrameHand1e. pc: BytePC] RFTURNS [AltoDefs.BYTE]; ReadGlobalGFI: PROCEDURE [f: Globa1FI'ameHand1e] RETURNS [GFTIndex]; RemoveFromDrum: PROCEDURE [useg: FileSegmentHandle]: ReverseEnumerateGlobalrrames: PROCEDURE [ proc: PROCEDURE [GlobalFrameHandl

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