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Updated Evaluation of Calibration Test Point Selection for Fluke 57XX products Speaker: Jeff Gust Fluke Calibration 6920 Seaway Blvd Everett, WA 98203 Chief Corporate Metrologist Fluke Corporation (425) 446-5471 [email protected] Authors: Jeff Gust, Steven Haynes, Bill Britz, Randy Lemon, Neil Faulkner, Greg Tarolli, Fluke Calibration 1.0 Abstract The first Fluke 5700 series calibrator was manufactured in the late 1980's. The metrology and associated test point selection for calibrating the product was rigorous by any standards, then or now. However, the calibration procedure that has been in place essentially since its initial release pre-dates significant advances in hardware, such as the Fluke Calibration 792A and 5790A, as well as ISO 17025, and the popularization of voluntary calibration laboratory accreditation. Fluke Calibration has re-visited the selection of test points in the calibration procedure to ensure that the result of any 5700 series calibrator would clearly demonstrate that all specifications have been verified, and that traceability for all functions is ensured. This was accomplished by an event that brought together representatives from Design Engineering, Test Engineering, Service Engineering, Service Metrology and Corporate Metrology. The group evaluated each specification, considered the internal architecture of the product, and reviewed and improved upon the test points. This paper presents the test points for the 5700 series calibrators and the technical information as to why they were chosen. 2.0 Learning objectives The attendee will understand why the test points selected for the Fluke 5700 series calibrators verify all product specifications and ensure metrological traceability for all functions of the product. 2013 NCSL International Workshop and Symposium 3.0 Introduction The Fluke 5700 family of multifunction calibrators is one of the cornerstone reference standards for electrical calibration laboratories around the world. This product is used in a wide array of applications and establishments, from National Measurement Institutes to field calibration laboratories; from factory production lines to onboard Navy ships. While some improvements have been made in performance and internal circuit design over the years, much of the basic design is the same as its original form. The 5700 series calibrators remain the world's most accurate multifunction calibrator. For Fluke to ensure that each manufactured product meets all published specifications, a thorough metrology evaluation occurs during the design process. However, for the 5700 series, the eval

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