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Now downloading free:xerox DIActionsHot.mesa Sep78

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File name:DIActionsHot.mesa_Sep78.pdf
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Size:712 kB
Model:DIActionsHot.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:DIActionsHot.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug DIActionsHot.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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DIActionsHot.mesa 2-Sop-78 15:32:14 Page 1 file DIActionsHot.Mesa Edited by: Sandman, April 17, 1978 4:13 PM Barbara, July 31, 1978 5:15 PM Johnsson, August 29, 1978 9:52 AM DIRECTORY A1toDefs: FROM "a1todefs" USING [word1ength], Contro1Defs: FROM "controldeFs" USING [ Fie1dDescriptor, FrameHandle, G1obalFr8meH8nd1e], DebugContextDefs: FROM "debugcontextdefs" USING [IncorrectVersion], DebugD8ta: FROM "debugdata" USING [gContext], DebuggerDefs: FROM "debuggerdofs" USING [ fullbitaddress, Ful1symaddress, InitSOP, LA, Lookup, LookupLoca1s, Qua1ifyRecord, SA, SearchForBasicSym, SearchForModuleSym, SearchFrameForSym, SearchGFr8meForSym, SOPointer, SymbolObject], DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs" USING [ DFreeString, DGetString, LookupFail], DebugSymbolDefs: FROM "debugsymboldefs" USING [ DAcquireSymbolTable, DRe1easeSymbo1Tab1e, Symbo1sForGFrame], DebugUtilityDefs: FROM "debugutilitydefs" USING [ CheckFrame, LongREAD, MREAD, Va1idGlobalFrame], DIActionDefs: FROM "diactiondefs" USING [ IncorrectType, InvalidExpression, 1itType, NotImplemented, ResetTypeStack], DIDeFs: FROM "didefs" USING [ ESPointer, EvalStackItem, hereESPointer, Operator, thereESPointer], DILitDefs: FROM "dilitdefs" USING [ LiteralValue, LongLiteralValue, LTIndex, STIndex, StringLiteralValue], DITypeDefs: FROM "ditypedefs" USING [ SeiLongInteger, SeiPType, TypeInteger, TypeIU, TypeIUP, TypeLong, TypePointer, TypeProcedure, TypeRecord, TypeUnspec], Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes" USING [zRFS], StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [AppendSubString], Symbo1TableDeFs: FROM "symboltabledeFs" USING [ NoSymbo1Table, SymbolTab1eBase], SymDefs: FROM "symdefs" USING [BitAddress, CSEIndex, ISENull, SENu11], SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [AllocateHeapNode, FreeHeapNode]; DIActionsHot: PROGRAM IMPORTS DebugContextDefs, DDptr: DebugData, DebuggerDefs, DebugMiscDefs, DebugSymbo1Defs, DebugUtilityDefs, DIActionDeFs, DILitDefs, DITypeDefs, StringDefs, SymbolTab1eDefs, SystemDefs EXPORTS DIActionDefs BEGIN --stack items ESPointer: TYPE = DIDefs.ESPointer; hereESPointer: TYPE = DIDefs.hereESPointer; thereESPointer: TYPE = DIDefs.thereESPointer; Operator: TYPE = DIDefs.Operator; SOPointer: TYPE = DebuggerDefs.SOPointer; currentST: SymbolTableDefs.SymbolTableBase

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