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HP HP-Measure-1965-07 free download

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t R JOHt! WAR.,nNGTON SA. PL~ ELSCTRO'ICS -VIC- PTY. LTD. 9-11 CRELORNE STREET RICH ..:O. TD E. 1 VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA A day at the fair Mariner's big trip CHRYSLER CORPORATION Five-year-old Edward Echevarria, center, becomes an honest-to- goodness VIP, as he and other happy HP kids, Johnny Ricci, left, and William Johnson, peer out of Chrysler exhibit at Fair. A child's wide-eyed A LICE IN WONDERLAND, story-book animals, Walt much to see and do to let little things like heat, humidity l""\.. Disney's most imaginative creations, and daredevil and a long drive stand in the way. Mexican acrobats! And the group wasn't disappointed! Other highlights of These are only a few of the memories that five-year-old this exciting day at the Fair included IBM's "People Wall," Edward Echevarria and eight other youngsters, all children where a man seemed to come down from the sky to introduce of employees at HP's Boonton Division, will cherish after an educational movies; an enormous, futuristic automobile exciting June day at New York's World's Fair. hanging from the ceiling; and life-like children from 26 different countries, all in colorful native attire. The children were accompanied by parents Pedro Eche- D If that weren't enough, the children also devoured moun- varria (a multilith operator) and his wife Mary, John Ricci tains of ice cream and drank several gallons of soda pop. (Boonton's personnel manager) and his wife Julie, and Mrs. And William Johnson, son of Bill Johnson of HP's Eastern Ann Setchik of Boonton's machine shop. Service Center at Boonton

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