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Washing Machines service manual and repair instructions

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THE MACINTOSH PROJECT DOCUMENT 0 VERSION 11 TITLE: CATALOG TO MACINTOSH DOCUM[NTS AUTHOR: JEF RASKIN DATE: 28 Sep-13 Feb 80 M 0.11 CATALOG* A chronologically arranged annotated listing of all Macintosh documents. The very document that you are reading. If there is no asterisk aiter a document title, that document is either obsolete or is especially technical. M 1.4 INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARY CONVENTIONS The conventions for documents, their distribution and catalogine. tI 2.9 OVERVIEW OF PRELININARY AREAS OF CONCERN* A lis~, slightly a~notated, of the various questions that must be answered in designing Macintosh. It is rather comprehensive. ~1 3.5 THE APPLE COMPUTER NETWORK* Justification of and preliminary thoughts on a network. An appendix lists some names and addresses of networks. M 4. 1 THOUGHTS ON ANNIE An old memo, from May '79, with some early thoughts on what was to b~come the ~~cintosh project. ~ccentric use of Enelish. M 5.1 PRELIMINARY COST INVESTIGATION* A brief rundown on the cost of the major electonic and mechanical components of Macintosh. The $500 selling price is shown to be a difficult mark to reach. M 6.2 GENERAL CRITERIA An expansion of the general criteria l;sted in M 2.B, defining the major goals of the project. M 7.7 A MODEL OF MEMORY VS DISK CHOICES A d~scription of the design of a mathematical model. This is the documentation for M 9 and MID. M B.l PERSONAL AIMS My aims in doing the Macintosh project. M 9.6 PASCAL MODEL OF MEMORY VS DISK CHOICES A non-interactive program that sweeps through various document and memory sizes. Superceded by MID. M 10.3 INTERACTIVE PASCAL HODEL OF MEMORY VS DISK CHOICES An interactive model that allows you to easily vary parameters

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