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HP 5988-3029EN free download

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Agilent Achieving Fast Design Cycle Time Using an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) Tool and Impedance Analyzers Application Note 1369-5 Introduction Higher performance, smaller physical size, reduced manufacturing cost, and, decreased cycle time represents some of the strongest trends in product design As a result, development phases of cir- In this product note, it is explored how today. One method of achieving fast cycle cuit blocks have shrunk and this short fast cycle time is achieved in the follow- time is to simulate the characteristics of development phase matches the ever- ing two areas by using the E4991A RF the circuit before the circuit design is changing needs and requirements of the Impedance/Material Analyzer and an EDA actually in layout on the printed-circuit wireless communication equipment, which tool: board. By simulating with EDA tools, the typically have shelf lives that are less than

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