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Now downloading free:xerox XSI Literature Catalog

xerox XSI Literature Catalog free download

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Xerox Systems Institute LITERATURE CATALOG All public standards documents and all technical reports published by Xerox in the area of networking and printing standards are included in this catalog. Information on how to order these documents is found on page 7. . Docu ment Sets XNS Architecture Library Set. $250. This set of documents contains one of each item listed with an asterisk. Currently this includes eighteen different documents. This set is designed to support those who need the complete set of Xerox published standards. Interpress Architecture Library Set, $100. This set of documents includes the Character Code Standard, Font Interchange Standard, Interpress 82 Reader's Guide, Interpress Electronic Printing Standard, Introduction to Interpress, Print Service Integration Standard, Raster Encoding Standard, and XNS General Information Manual. Interpress Language Set, $50. This set of documents includes the Font Interchange Standard, Interpress 82 Reader's Guide, Interpress ElectroniC Prjnting Standard, Introduction to Interpress and XNS General Information Manual. Xerox System Integration Standards Authentication Protocol, * May 1986, XNSS 098605, $20. This document defines the Authentication Protocol used In Xerox Network Systems starting at 055. This document also serves as a guide for using the Authentication Service Literature Catalog ...j(erox Network Systems Bulk Data Transfer (Appendix f to Courier), * April 1984, XNSS 038112 (XSIS 038112), Add. 1a, $10. This document describes a standard that facilitates the construction of distributed systems by providing a single bulk data transfer discipline for an open-ended set of higher level application protocols. Character Code Standard, * May 1986, XNSS 058605, $25. This standard specifies the character codes to be used for exchange of text information among Xerox Network System elements and th

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