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HP HP-Catalog-1960-Short-Revised free download

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@ offers complete coverage in @ 1 8 5 A - d o to 1 , 0 0 0 MC - @ 1 6 0 6 dc to 1 5 MC @ 1 5 O A - d C to 1 0 MC This revolutionary new sampling oscilloscope @ 1 7 0 A - d C to 30 MC Model 150A is intended as the most broadly gives you fatigue-free viewing of repetitiw useful, convenient high quality 10 MC scope @ 16OB, dc to 15 MC, and new @ 170A-dc offered. A variety of plug-ins (see below) short pulses requiring a bandwidth up t o 1000 MC. The 3 db point is beyond 800 MC. to 30 MC, guided by exacting MIL speci- provide dual trace or differential input, or A rise time of less than 0.45 nsec permits fications, are presented as the most depend- high amplification eliminating pre-amplifiers direct measurement and observation of fast able, widely useful oscilloscopes available. on input from most transducers. phenomena. Bright, traces are provided even A new design approach using two sets of at repetition rates of 50 cps. plug-ins insures maximum versatility, yet Automatic Trigger Dual Trace Amplifier does not require you to buy circuitry you do Sweep Range 0.02 psec/cm to 15 sec/cm; 24 Model 187B Dual Trace Amplifier (plug-in), not need. sweeps 0.1 psec/cm to 5 sec/cm, 3% accu- > t permits observation and comparison of two X-Y Recorder Output racy. Internal, line voltage or external trig- high speed phenomena simultaneously, or gering, pos. or neg. slopes. Has sweep mag- highly accurate time measurements. Both New horizontal (time axis) plug-ins include nifier, vernier; horizontal amplifier; sensi- channels have independent sensitivity and @ l66C Display Scanner making the 160B tivity 200 mv/cm to 1 5 v/cm. Vertical positioning controls; may be used separately. and 170A the world's first general purpose amplifier dc to 10 MC, optimum transient Vertical sensitivity is 10 mv/cm to 200 mv/ scopes with an X-Y recorder output. This response and rise time less than 0.035 mec. cm; vernier increases sensitivity to 3 mv/cm. output covers t

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