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ARCAM arcam cd23 sm free download

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CD23 Service Manual Issue 1.1 TITLE FMJ CD 23 Main/Display PCB DWG. NO. L879TS ISSUE 1 DATE 17/01/2000 DRAWN BY Edd Stonham TEST SPECIFICATION SHEET 1 of 7 SUMMARY The Main/Display PCB for the new FMJ will only the Accept 9 CD Ring Dac Module(L816) FMJ Changes Will Not Power up existing 8SE Dac Modules. This Board is Based on the ALPHA 7SE CD Board used without DAC Circuitry This Board Is designed to accept a second transformer which supplys the analogue Supply instaed of the frame (as in the standard 9CD Version) The system is based on a Sony kit, comprising CDM14-5BD10 laser mechanism & loader, micro-controller and fluorescent display. BLOCK DIAGRAM TITLE FMJ CD 23 Main/Display PCB DWG. NO. L879TS ISSUE 1 DATE 17/01/2000 DRAWN BY Edd Stonham TEST SPECIFICATION SHEET 2 of 7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FMJ CD 23 CD Mechanism Sony CDM14-5BD10 Laser pick-up 3 beam Optical Digital Output Toslink Coaxial digital output (75 ohm) Class 1 Power consumption (max) 30VA Size W/D/H mm 430x290x85 Weight, nett 3.8kg NB Dimensions include connectors, buttons and feet. TITLE FMJ CD 23 Main/Display PCB DWG. NO. L879TS ISSUE 1 DATE 17/01/2000 DRAWN BY Edd Stonham TEST SPECIFICATION SHEET 3 of 7 CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Power Supplies & Reset/Mute Selection of 230V or 115V mains operation is made by inserting a fuse into the appropriate position and placing in the correct mains frame transformer . The mains transformer has three secondary windings: 1. Provides a unregulated +19 and -19V supplies for the 9 DAC discrete regulators 2. This produces the digital, motor drive and fluorescent display grid supplies: +7.3V (Z206) Mechanism and motor driver supply +5V (Z208) General digital logic supply +5V (DAC) (Z207) Supply to DAC +5V (CLK) (Z203) Supply to system clock generator -30V (Z209) Display grid voltage. 3. Provides an AC supply for the display filament. The power-on reset signal XRST is generated by R17 and C29. When the power switch is turned off one of its poles discharges C29 quickly. This, along with the AMUTE signal from the micro, controls the output mute transistors via level shifter Q3. Remote Control/PIC Micro The remote control receiver is mounted on a separate PCB, joined to the main PCB by a 4-way ribbon cable. The PIC micro controller converts the RC-5 format data into the NEC format required by the Sony micro. The PIC a

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