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Now downloading free:xerox 19770714 Mesa 3.0

xerox 19770714 Mesa 3.0 free download

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File name:19770714_Mesa_3.0.pdf
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Size:1077 kB
Model:19770714 Mesa 3.0 🔎
Original:19770714 Mesa 3.0 🔎
Descr: xerox sdd memos_1977 19770714_Mesa_3.0.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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Inter-Office Memorandum To Distribution Date July 14, 1977 From Wendell Shultz Location Palo Alto Subject Mesa 3.0 Organization SOD/SO XEROX Filed on: (Lopez)Mesa3.0.memo Attached are the work plan and release' definition for Mesa 3.0, which is now' under development. Please review their content in preparation for a formal approval of the contents of this Mesa release. Questions and comments should be directed to John Wick As noted in the release definition, several features of old releases are being temporarily retained in order to ease conversion of existing source code. In some cases, compatibility is easily maintained and carries low cost; in others, retaining the old design severely constrains the development of a new feature. We need to determine the period over which compatibility will. be maintained, and a general policy on this issue. A meeting to discuss and approve the definition of Mesa 3.0 has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, July 20. Please let me know if this date is convenient. Attachments . Distri bution: Geschke Lampson Lynch Mitchell XEROX SDD ARCHIVES Szelong I have read and understood Pages ____'!""To.----- Reviewer Date _ _ __ c: .J. Weaver J. Wick # of Pages ___Ref " -! . "'..,~jr/ ~) }/. Inter-Office Memorandum To John Weaver Date June 30, 1971 From John Wick Location Palo Alto Subject Mesa 3.0 Development Work Plan Organization SDD/SO XEROX Filed on:

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