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Now downloading free:LeCroy LECROY WaveSurfer Getting Started

LeCroy LECROY WaveSurfer Getting Started free download

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GETTING STARTED MANUAL INTRODUCTION 5 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 6 WHEN YOUR SCOPE IS DELIVERED 17 INSTALLATION AND POWER UP 19 SYSTEM RECOVERY 22 PROBES 26 USING THE FRONT PANEL CONTROLS 27 UNDERSTANDING DISPLAY INFORMATION 37 MULTIPLE METHODS TO DO THE SAME THING 45 DISPLAYING SIGNALS, VERTICAL SETUP 47 TRIGGER SETUP 53 MEASURING WITH CURSORS 65 MEASURING WITH PARAMETERS 69 WR6-GS-E Rev A ISSUED: PRELIMINARY December 2003 WAVES U RF ER 400 S ERI ES ZOOMING YOUR CHANNELS 77 USING THE MATH TRACE 84 USING ANALOG PERSISTENCE 95 SAVING AND RECALLING SETUPS 99 SAVING AND RECALLING SIGNALS 101 SHARING YOUR DATA & COMMUNICATING WITH OTHERS 115 PRINT MANAGEMENT 122 PASS/FAIL TESTING 124 UTILITIES AND RENCES 128 REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION 141 AUTOMATION 142 2 ISSUED: PRELIMINARY December 2003 GETT ING STARTED MANU AL WS-GS-E, Rev. A ISSUED: PRELIMINARY January 27, 2004 WAVES U RF ER 400 S ERI ES BLANK PAGE 4 ISSUED: PRELIMINARY December 2003 GETT ING STARTED MANU AL Introduction This brief guide includes important safety and installation information for your WaveSurfer 400 Series oscilloscope along with brief operating procedures to get you started with the basics of operating your oscilloscope. This manual is available in PDF format in languages other than English on the CD included with your WaveSurfer. You can change your user interface to be in a language different than English. To do this, select Utilities in the Top (File) Menu, then select Preferences. Language selection is settable in this menu. The information contained in this guide also appears in greater detail in the on-line Help manual. This searchable manual is resident in the scope and also supplied on CD-ROM, shipped with your scope. WS-GS-E, Rev. A ISSUED: PRELIMINARY January 27, 2004 WAVES U RF ER 400 S ERI ES Safety Requirements This section contains information and warnings that must be observed to keep the inst

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