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DYNACORD hfe dynacord dpa 4245 4260 service de free download

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SERVICE MANUAL DPA 4245 / DPA 4260 POWER AMPLIFIER MEASUREMENT SPECIFICATIONS: DPA power amplifiers complete appliance Names of the individual printed board assemblies and their corresponding EDP numbers: EDP numbers of the main boards DPA 4245 DPA 4260 84 188 84 189 Board section Index Main PCB 1 Supply PCB 4 LED PCB 3 Input-PCB (index 1) and Output-PCB (Index 2) are located on the printed board assembly 81340. Measuring conditions, unless differently specified: - measuring tolerance: X = 1.5dB - measuring frequency: f = 1kHz - all stated levels refer to: U = 775mV (0dBu) - level controls are set to their clockwise margin: - XLR connector pin-assignment: PIN 1 = GROUND/SHIELD PIN 2 = + INPUT PIN 3 = - INPUT - source impedance for the induction via the XLR-type connector: R(Q) = 50 ohms - the AMPLIFIER PCB is provided with service connectors: CNS1 CNS2 CNRC PIN Assigned to PIN Assigned to PIN Assigned to 1 -Vcc 1 LIM A Switch 1 LIM Out A 2 BIAS +A 2 -15V 2 LIM Out B 3 BIAS -A 3 LIM B Switch 3 Standby via RC 4 FAN Voltage 4 +15V 4 Standby LED 5 +Vcc 5 AGND 5 -Vss 6 BIAS +B 6 Speaker Out A 6 +Vss 7 BIAS -B 7 Relay/Protect 7 n.c. 8 Temp Heatsink 8 Speaker Out B 8 n.c. - Pin-assignment of the power amplifiers output connector: PIN Function Channel 1 + pole of th

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