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Now downloading free:RCA RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 SafetyPre [SM]

RCA RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 SafetyPre [SM] free download

LCD Liquid crystal display TVs

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File name:RCA_BD20TF10_F19426_F19436_F20TF10_TVD809_SafetyPre_[SM].pdf
[preview RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 SafetyPre [SM]]
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Model:RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 SafetyPre [SM] 🔎
Original:RCA BD20TF10 F19426 F19436 F20TF10 TVD809 SafetyPre [SM] 🔎
Descr: RCA LCD RCA_BD20TF10_F19426_F19436_F20TF10_TVD809_SafetyPre_[SM].pdf
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File name RCA_BD20TF10_F19426_F19436_F20TF10_TVD809_SafetyPre_[SM].pdf

TX_TVD809 TX_TVD809 11/03 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TX_TVD809 DO NOT OPERATE THIS INSTRUMENT OR PERMIT IT TO BE OPER- Do not remove, install, or otherwise handle the picture tube in any manner with- ATED WITHOUT ALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES INSTALLED AND out first putting on shatterproof goggles equipped with side shields. People not so FUNCTIONING. SERVICERS WHO DEFEAT SAFETY FEATURES OR equipped must be kept safely away while picture tubes are handled. Keep the F20TF10, F19425 FAIL TO PERFORM SAFETY CHECKS MAY BE LIABLE FOR ANY picture tube away from your body. Do not handle the picture tube by its neck. Television F19426, F19431, F19436 RESULTING DAMAGE, AND MAY EXPOSE THEMSELVES AND OTH- ERS TO POSSIBLE INJURY. Some "in-line" picture tubes are equipped with a permanently attached deflection

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