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Now downloading free:HP 13255-91095 Sweep Module Aug76

HP 13255-91095 Sweep Module Aug76 free download

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HP 132'55 SWEEP MODULE Manual Part NO. 13255-91095 PPINTED AUG-01-76 DATA TERMINAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION HEWLETTi:j PACKARD Printed in U.S.A. 13255 13255-91095/02 Sw@eo Module Fev AUG-Ol-76 1.0 INTRODUCTION. The Sweep MOdule interfaces the dlspl~y controller of the terminal to t~~ CPT. It qenerates all drive siqn~ls ann special1ze~ voltages re- Quired by the CRT displ~y. Parts lists for the CPT Monitor A~semhlV (02644-60001) and Cable Assembly (0'-640-60138) are containe~ in section 13255-91001. 2.0 OPERATING PARAMF.T~R5. A summary of operatinq oarameters for the Sweep Module Is contained In tahles 1.0 throuoh 4.0. Tahle t.O Physical Parameters --~-~------------------~~---~-----~--~--~-----~~--~-------~-~-------~-------~--- -~~-~------------------~----~-~~----------------~~~~--~--~-------------~-------- Part Size (L x W x D) Weight Number Nomenclature +1-0.100 Inches (Pounds) ------------- --~---~-~~--- ~--~-----------------~---~-~-- ------------------------~----~ ~~------~-----~-~~~--- -----~-~~--------~----- ~ ---- ... - - .. -- ... ... --- 02640-6002R CRT Monitor ~ssemblY N/A N/A 02640-60039 Sweep Cable Assembly N/A N/A 0264~0-60040 Yoke Cable Assemhly N/A N/A 02640-60042 CRT Cable Assembly N/A N/A 02640-60084 CRT Yoke Assembly N/A N/A 02640-60095 Sweep PCA 16.6 x 7.6 x 2.8 2.25 02640-6013R Cable Assembly N/A N/A 02644-60001 CRT Monitor Assembly N/A N/A 02645-60008 ~onltor ASSembly N/A N.lA ===:================================:=:======================================= Number of Backplane

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