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Now downloading free:HISENSE hisense led26t29

HISENSE hisense led26t29 free download

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Model:hisense led26t29 🔎
Original:hisense led26t29 🔎
Descr: HISENSE LED TV LED26T29 hisense_led26t29.pdf
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5 4 3 2 1 D MT8222_P1V1 _DDR1_ VERSION V1.0 D _ DDR1 WITH TERMINATION _ GPIO usage GPIO Definition Function define ADIN0 SCART FS LVDS out SFlash ADIN1 SCART FS ADIN2 4052 SWITCH E2PROM ADIN3 KEYPAD Analog AMP Speaker ADIN4 KEYPAD POWER TI3101D _10Wx2_ DDR1 DAC ADIN5 HDMI/VGA EDID E2PROM WP High = WP disable 4558 Headphone GPIO_20 Audio MUX MT8222 GPIO_21 AMP_MUTE CONTROL High = Mute on GPIO_22 GAME MCU WT6702 GPIO_23 GAME GPIO_24 GAME GPIO_25 GAME 4052 x 2 C PWM0 DIMMING CONTROL USBx2 C PWM1 Power conversion to 33V PWM2 SYSTEM E2PROM WP High = WP disable PWM3 Audio MUX UP30 BL ON/OFF CONTROL Low = Backlight on YPbPr x 2 Micphone CVBS x 2 RF Tuner UP31 NORMAL POWER ON/OFF Low

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