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5700NAN LESSONS LEARNED Kevin R. Abercrombie Quality Manager, Metrology Branch Naval Air Warfare Center 22 113 Fortin Circle, Unit 7 Patuxent River, MD 20670-1 1 18 (301) 342-1654, DSN 342-1654 FAX (301) 342-0920 [email protected] Abstract Since incorporating the Fluke 5700A/AN into the NAVAIR Metrology and Calibration Program, NAVAIR incurred unacceptably high repair costs and down time. This paper examines the root causes of the problem and the lessons learned as aresult of the investigation. Introduction The Fluke 5700A/AN meter calibrator is a precision instrument designed to calibrate general purpose measuring and test equipment. It provides a source of direct and alternating voltage, direct and alternating current, and resistance. This unit is highly accurate and very user friendly, and because of these reasons, it was selected as the standard meter calibrator for use throughout the NAVAIR Metrology and Calibration (METCAL) program. Furthermore, because of its versatility, NAVAIR does not limit the use of the 5700A/AN to solely calibrating meters, it is also used in the calibration of other Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment (GPETE). In all, the 5700A/AN meter calibrator is used in approximately 480 Instrument Calibration Procedures (ICPs). Unfortunately, NAVAIR has incurred high repair-costs and significant down-time since incorporating the 5700A/AN meter calibrator as astandard in theNAVAIR METCAL Program. Because of these unanticipated problems, an investigative effort was undertaken in an attempt to identify the primary cause(s) so that effective solutions could be implemented. This paper describes the data collection method used to acquire failure information, the investigation into the failures of seven 5700MAN meter calibrators, and the lessons learned as a result of the investigation. Finally, this paper contains recommendations for utilizing the 2001 NCSL International Workshop & Symposium 5700NAN, which includes revisions to ICPs, appropriate safeguards, and good measurement practices. Survey The method employed to gather the data pertaining to the failures of the 5700AIAN was a survey form printed in the Metrology Bulletin (METBUL - July, 1997 and December, 1998). When completed, the survey form provided pertinent information about the use of the 5700NAN at the time of failure, such as: the model number of the Test Instrument (TI), the ICP that was being performed, and the environmental conditions. This survey data was then reviewed to determine if there was any commonality such as an ICP or type of TI. During the data collection phase of the project, the surve

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