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Now downloading free:xerox Commander.mesa Oct77

xerox Commander.mesa Oct77 free download

Various electronics service manuals

File information:
File name:Commander.mesa_Oct77.pdf
[preview Commander.mesa Oct77]
Size:601 kB
Model:Commander.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:Commander.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing Commander.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
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File name Commander.mesa_Oct77.pdf

Commander.mesa 26-0CT-77 16:00:16 Page 1 -- Commander.mesa; edited by Sandman, September 19, 1977 9:52 AM DIRECTORY CommanderDeFs: FROM "commanderdefs", ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs", InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs", ImageDefs: FROM "imagedefs", IOOefs: FROM "iodefs", RectangleDefs: FROM "rectangledefs", SegmentDefs: FROM "segmentdefs", StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs", StringDefs: FROM "stringdefs", SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs": DEFINITIONS FROM StringDefs, CommanderDefs, IODefs: Commander: PROGRAM [herald: STRING] IMPORTS ImageOefs, 10Defs, StreamDefs, StringDefs, SystemOefs EXPORTS CommanderOefs = BEGIN GlobalFrameHandle: TYPE = ControlDefs.GlobalFrameHandle: CommandItem: TYPE = RECORD [ cb: CommandBlockHandle, link: POINTER TO CommandItem]: StringItem: TYPE = RECORD [ link: POINTER TO StringItem, string: STRING]: commandHead: POINTER TO CommandItem p NIL: stringHead: POINTER TO StringItem p NIL; SyntaxError: ERROR = CODE; Help: SIGNAL = CODE; BadName: ERROR = CODE: BadParam: ERROR [type: ParamType] CODE; GetDebugger: PROCEDURE = BEGIN CallDebugger[] ; END; CallDebugger: MACHINE CODE = INLINE [347B, 54B]; AddCommand: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [name: STRING, proc: PROCEDURE, numargs: CARDINAL] RETURNS [CommandBlockHa Undle] = BEGIN OPEN SystemDefs; c: POINTER TO CommandItem p AllocateHeapNode[SIZE[CommandItem]]: cb: CommandBlockHandle p AllocateHeapNode[SIZE[CommandBlock]+numargs

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