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BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR CONTROL PROGRAM SSP BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT D-v 1. BACKGROUND D-l 2. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS D-3 3. FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS D-5 Computational Envelope D-5 Functional Distribution D-6 Monoprogramming D-6 Planned Overlay D-6 Integra ted Job Flow D-6 4. JOB FLOW D-7 5. WORK FLOW LANGUAGE D-ll 6. SCHEDULING AND OPERATOR CONTROL D-15 7. FILE MEMORY ALLOCATION D-17 8. PROCESSOR MEMORY ALLOCATION D-19 9. SUMMARY D-23 D-iii ~~p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BURROUGHSSCIENTIFICPROCESSOR BSP BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR ABSTRACT The control program for the Burroughs Scientific Processor exploits functional distribution to provide a full-featured batch and time-sharing operating system for general-purpose and interaction-intensive computing~ while providing an efficient monoprogramming environment for high-speed~ parallel~ numerical computation. Efficiency is obtained by incorporating physical 110 functions into the I/O controller and performing most scheduling functions on the separate sys- tem manager. The inefficiency of demand-paged virtual memory is avoided while retaining its user convenience by providing static memory allocation and overlay coupled with a sophisticated linker that estimates working sets via source program analysis. Finally~ the scientific environment is integrated into a general purpose system via Burroughs high-level job control language and multiclass priority scheduling system. D-v ~~p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-BURROUGHSSCIENTIFICPROCESSOR SSP BURROUGHS SCIENTIFIC PROCESSOR 1. BACKGROUND The development of the Master Control Program (MCP) for

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