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Tektronix TG501 free download

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*TB 9-6625-1958-35 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL BULLETIN CALIBRATION PROCEDURE FOR TIME MARK GENERATOR, TEKTRONIX TYPES TG 501 AND TG 501 OPTION 1 Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC 16 December 2002 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited REPORTING OF ERRORS AND RECOMMENDING IMPROVEMENTS You can improve this manual. If you find any mistakes or if you know of a way to improve these procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to Commander, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-MMC-MA-NP, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5000. A reply will be furnished to you. You may also provide DA Form 2028 information to AMCOM via e-mail, fax, or the World Wide Web. Our FAX number is: DSN 788-6546 or Commercial 256-842-6546. Our e-mail address is: [email protected]. Instructions for sending an electronic 2028 may be found at the back of this manual. For the World Wide Web, use: Paragraph Page SECTION I. IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION Test instrument identification... 1 2 Forms, records, and reports ... 2 2 Calibration description ... 3 2 II. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS Equipment required... 4 2 Accessories required ... 5 2 III. CALIBRATION PROCESS Preliminary instructions ... 6 3 Equipment setup... 7 3 Marker timing ... 8 4 Error readout... 9 6 High speed trigger amplitude ... 10 6 Marker amplitude ... 11 7 Power supply ... 12 8 Final procedure...

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