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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1982-11-12

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1982-11-12 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1982-11-12.pdf

for normal levels of background pacitance-easiest way In most cases, the problem will be and trace illumination. to check is by substitut- found by this process, and with a ing another diode (HP high level of confidence in the cor- 3. Observe the HV oscillator cur- part no. 1901-0028). rective action. rent. Normal current is approxi- mately 650 mA to 800 mA. HV Partial conduction of If you did not observe excessive cur- Excessive current is >900 mA. DISABLE A15Ql-disconnect col- rent, the problem is either inter- f CIRCUIT lector of A15Q1. If cur- mittent or temperature related and monitoring the current for a longer 4. If current is excessive, start r e n t is now n o r m a l checking the following compo- troubleshoot HV dis- period with the covers on will prob- nents in the following order: able circuit. ably do the trick. Part No 5952-0112 @Hew1lett-Packard 1982 WWW.HPARCHIVE.COM - .- - __ led for making microwave sca- Oscillosc ope Accessories measurements with confidence. tiled information is presented Microwave Measuring Tech- niques - Applications informa- tion on scalar reflection and transmission measurements, fre- auency, Dower, and noise figure - measurements. Includes tab1ilar comparisons of accuracy and rel- .r ._.. . _ _ auve costs or various .cecnniques. -1. ..-L ~ 2 _I--?_. I - - Also includes a list of pert,inent Probing In Perspective (HP Part

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