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Now downloading free:LG LG LCD DCR updates V3.13 [SM]

LG LG LCD DCR updates V3.13 [SM] free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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SERVICE BULLETIN No. : 0IVL20050025 Date : 2005-08-08 Factory Factory Model Suffix Model No. Factory Factory Model Suffix Model No. EKHQ 26LX1D-UA ALUSLL 26LX1D-UA EKHQ 26LX2D-UA ALUSLL 26LX2D-UA Model EKHQ 32LP1D-UA ALUSLL 32LP1D-UA EKHQ 32LX1D-UA ALUSLL 32LX1D-UA EKHQ 32LX2D-UA ALUSLL 32LX2D-UA EKHQ 37LP1D-UA ALUSLL 37LP1D-UA EKHQ 42LP1D-UA ALUSLL 42LP1D-UA Buyer Name Buyer Code Buyer Name Buyer Code Buyer Name Buyer Code Buyer LGEUS US000001 LGEAI US000002 below manufacturing EFFECTIVE DATE 2005-08-08 EFFECTIVE FROM(SERIAL NO.) date July 2005 Subject LCD DCR updates V3.13 Before Change After Change No. Loc No. Note K-Code Remark Part No DESC./SPEC. Part No DESC./SPEC. Reason Of Change # Problem : 1. Scrambled channel is not de-scrambled & lock-up after inserting cable card. (in relation to Florida Adelphian cable issue of North America DCR model) ==> Fixed V3.09 2. The audio level on the DTV station is much lower than on the analog station. ==> Fixed v3.10 The new LCD TVs can be updated using a memory card instead of having to use a computer and a serial cable. Instructions for both procedures are attached, only one of the procedures need to be performed. LCD_MemoryCardUpdate.pdf LCD_SerialUpdate.pdf ** FILE THIS SERVICE BULLETIN WITH YOUR SERVICE MANUAL NOTE(**) : INTERCHANGEABILITY CODE KEY-WORD CODE Parts Set Original Early Original or new parts may be used in early or late production sets. 1. To improve performance A Use original parts until exhausted, then stock new parts. 2. To improve productivity New Late Original

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