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Descr: Samsung Audio MAX-850-860 Samsung MAX850_860 Disassembly & Reassembly.pdf
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3. Disassembly and Reassembly 3-1 Cabinet-Top * If power is connected ; 1. Turn power on and open the CD ,push the Door-CD in the direction of arrow to remove. 2. Remove 7 screws !, @ holding the Cabinet-Top. Lift the back of the Cabinet-Top and shade it to the rear to remove. * If power is not connected ; Remove the Cabinet-Top and Turn the Gear the clockwise using the hand as shown in figure 3-1-1. Open the Door-CD and pull the Tray in the direction of arrow @. 1 TRAY 2 Figure 3-1-1 Figure 3-1 Samsung Electronics 3-1 Disassembly and Reassembly 3-2 CD-Mecha, Door-CD 1. Remove 4 screws #, $. 2. Lift the back of the CD-Mecha to remove. Figure 3-2 3-2 Samsung Electronics Disassembly and Reassembly 3-3 Cabinet-Rear and Main PCB 1. Remove 9 screws %. 2. Lift the Cabinet-Rear and slide it to the rear by releasing the hook of Cabinet-Bottom. 3. Remove 2 screws ^ and slide the Main PCB to the rear to remove. Figure 3-3 3-4 Cabinet-Front and Cabinet-Bottom 1. Remove 2 screws &. 2. Slide it to the front by releasing two hooks on the bottom of Cabinet-Front to remove. Figure 3-4 Samsung Electronics 3-3 Disassembly and Reassembly 3-5 CD Mecha 8 2 7 6 5 3 1 4 TRAY STOPPER BASE MAIN Refer to the next page 9 for timming point 13 16 18 17 10 11 12 CD SUB PCB 14 19 20 TRAY DISC ASS'Y 21 15 HOOK

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