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Now downloading free:xerox BcdDefs.mesa Oct77

xerox BcdDefs.mesa Oct77 free download

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File name:BcdDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf
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Size:107 kB
Model:BcdDefs.mesa Oct77 🔎
Original:BcdDefs.mesa Oct77 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 3.0_1977 listing BcdDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name BcdDefs.mesa_Oct77.pdf

bcddEfS.mESA 24-0CT-77 21:15:31 Page 1 -- BcdDefs.Mesa Edited by Johnsson on August 29, 1977 5:34 PM DIRECTORY AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs", BcdTableDefs: FROM "bcdtabledefs", ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs", TimeDefs: FROM "timedefs"; BcdDefs: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN TableLimit: CARDINAL = BcdTableDefs.TableLimit; VersionStamp: TYPE = RECORD [ zapped: BOOLEAN, net: [0 .. 128), host: AltoDefs.BYTE, time: TimeDefs.PackedTime]; -- BCD Header VersionID: CARDINAL = 08267; BCD: TYPE = RECORD [ versionident: CARDINAL, version: VersionStamp, creator: VersionStamp, nPages: AltoDefs.PageCount, nConfigs, nModules: CARDINAL, nImports. nExports: CARDINAL, definitions: BOOLEAN, firstdummy: GFTlndex, nDummies: CARDINAL, ssOffset: CARDINAL, string table ssLimit: CARDINAL, ctOffset: CARDINAL, config table ctLimit: CTIn~9x, mtOffset: CARDINAL, module table mtLimit: MTIndex, impOffset: CARDINAL. import table impL imit: IMPIndex, expOffset: CARDINAL, export table expLimit: EXPIndex, ftOffset: CARDINAL, f i 1e table ftL imit: FTIndex, ntOffset: CARDINAL, name table ntLimit: NTIndex, source: NameRecord]; -- POl'tab 1e Type Portable: TYPE {module, interface}; -- Name Table NameRecord: TYPE = RECORD [offset, length: CARDINAL]; NTReeord: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameRecord, item: Namee]; Namee: TYPE = RECORD S[lrCT tYre:* rROM config =) [eti: CTIndex]. module =) [mL i: MTTndex]. import =) [imp i: lMPlndex]. export =) [expi: rXPIndax]. [NDCASE]; NTNull: NTTnc1ex = LAST[NTIndex]; NTIndex: TYP[ = POTNTrR [O .. TableLimit) TO NTRecord; -- Conriguration Table bcddEFS.mESA 24-0CT-77 21:16:31 Page 2 CTRecord: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameRecord, named instance: BOOLEAN, file: FTIndex. config: CTIndex. control: MTIndex]; CTNull: CTIndex = LAST[CTIndex]; CTIndex: TYPE = POINTER [0 .. TableLimit) TO CTRecord; -- Module Table MTRecord: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameRecord. namedinstance: BOOL~AN. file: FTIndex. config: CTIndex. cseg. 5seg: SegDesc. framesize: [0 .. 4096). f5i: [O .. ControlDefs.maxallocslot]. gfi: GFTIndex. ngfi: [1 .. 4]. frame: FrameFrag]; FrameFrag: TYPE = RECORD [ offset. length: CARDINAL. frag: ARRAY [0 .. 1) OF Controllink]; MTNull: MTIndex = LAST[MTIndex]: MTIndex: TYPE = POINTER [0 .. TableLimit) TO MTRecord: -- Import Table IMPRecord: TYPE = RECORD [ name: NameRecord. port: Portable. named instance: BOOLEAN. file: FTIndex. gfi: GFTIndex. ngfi: [1..4]]: IMPNull: IMPIndex = LAST[IMPIndex]: IMPIndex: TYPE = POINTER [0 .. TableLimit} TO IMPRecord: -- Export Table EXPRe

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