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Now downloading free:xerox 19790604 Subsystem Analysis NoteTaker I

xerox 19790604 Subsystem Analysis NoteTaker I free download

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XEROX PALO ALTO RESEARCH CENTER Systems Science Laboratory LSI Systems Area June 4, 1979 For Xerox Internal Use Only To: NoteTaker Interest Group From: Doug Fairbairn Subject: Subsystems Analysis: NoteTaker I stored: [ISIS]SAR.memo This report is the collection point of an moans, groans, and gripes about the NoteTaker I system. If there is something you want changed about the current NoteTaker design, be it physical or electronic, and it isn't on this list, please send a message to "Resnick" (cc: Fairbairn) immediately. Updated copies of this report will be available periodically. Comments are surely encouraged. I. NoteTaker System A. Physical characteristics 1. Size: 7" x 14" x 22" (2107 cu. in.) 2. \Veight: 40.5 lbs. wlo batteries; 48 lbs. wI batteries 3. Power Consumption: a. +36v: ??? b. +43v: 400 rna. c. + 12v: 2.65 amps (31.8 watts) wi disk running 1.3 amps (15.6 watts) wlo disk running d. + 5v: 7.8 amps (39 watts) wi disk running 7.3 amps (36.5 watts) w/o disk running C. - 20y: ??? 4. Chip count: 387 including memory 307 logic only 5. Cost: $8700.00 or so... B. What's wrong 2 1. Chips can faU out of board sockets 2. Can't plug boards into machine with power on. 3. The timing and loading of the system bus needs to be evaluated. 4. There is currently no serial number wired into the NT. On the Alto, this was taken care of by wire-wrapping on the backplane. We don't have enough spare pins on the NoteTaker. What should we do?? 5. Power consumption numbers need to be verified. C. What's right D. Debugging problems a. Field Maintenance b. Untrained personnel c. Test point accessiblity d. Signature ananlysis? E. Possible changes for NT2 1. New housing 2. Solder in 2 pins of each chip? 3. Use in-board socket pins? 4. Increase maintainability 3 II. Emulation processor A. Physical characteristics 1. Size: 8.8" x 5.8" x 0.6" (30.6 cu. in.) 2. Weight: 12 oz. 3. Power Consumption: a.

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