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Samsung Disassembly & Reassembly free download

LCD television

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Descr: Samsung LCD TV N46A chassis Samsung ch N46A Disassembly & Reassembly.pdf
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3. Disassembly and Reassemble 3. Disassembly and Reassemble This section of the service manual describes the disassembly and reassembly procedures for the LN40A650A1F LCD TV. WARNING: This monitor contains electrostatically sensitive devices. Use caution when handling these components. 3-1. Disassembly Cautions: 1. Disconnect the monitor from the power source before disassembly. 2. Follow these directions carefully; never use metal instruments to pry apart the cabinet. Description Picture Description Screws 1. Place monitor face down on cushioned table. Remove screws from the Stand. Remove stand. 3-1 3. Disassembly and Reassemble Description Picture Description Screws 2. Remove the screws of rear-cover. 3. Lift up the rear-cover. * Fan is used in 40" only 3-2 3. Disassembly and Reassemble Description Picture Description Screws 4. Remove the screws of IP and main board. * 32" model hasn't shield case. 5. Remove the speakers and screws of inlet socket. 3-3 3. Disassembly and Reassemble Description Picture Description Screws 6. Remove the screws of Stand BKLT. Lift up the Stand BKLT. 7. Remove the Side AV Ass'y (only 46") 3-4 3. Disassembly and Reassemble Description Picture Description Screws 8-1. Remove the screws of bracket. (32") 8-2. Remove the screws of bracket. (40") 8-3. Remove the screws of bracket. (46", 52") * Caution: Don't place excessive pressure on wall mount bracket during disassembly. It may become bent or damaged. 3-5 3. Disassembly and Reassemble Description Picture Description Screws 9. Remove the screws on Panel. Reassembly procedures are in the reverse order of disassembly procedures. 3-6

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