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NOKIA tx tz free download

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TX 4:3, 100Hz TZ made in Turku 2000... TZ 16:9, 100Hz TX made in Turku 2001... Multi Concept 2 chassies Dated Chassis Colours Possible cause of the fault * Picture * Sound * No picture 31.05.01 TZ Totally dead, no voltages, no light in Leds.. * Check +5V Stby voltage, if voltage is not ok, disconnect connector XA5 and measure again. If voltage is now too high, even over 20V, check / change zener DZfc1 and opto ICfc3. Check also capacitors Cfc3 and Cfc4 (voltage endurance is 10V), if voltage has been too high. In this case probably also AV-module has been damaged due to too high Stby voltage. Note! Do not try new AV-module before you have checked +5V Stby voltage, otherwise new AV-module may get damaged also. Other 07.05.01 TZ Tuning voltage of PiP Tuner varies a little bit * Check capacitor Cq4 on +30V tuning voltage, it maybe 10uF 16V. Change it to 10uF 63V. 19.11.01 TZ, TX Switches off at times by itself, e.g. when changing channel * Make EHTPROT adjustment (code 22) in Service mode 21.11.01 Page 1

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