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HP 5988-2417EN free download

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Investigating BluetoothTM Modules: The First Step in Enabling Your Device with a Wireless Link Application Note 1333-2 Introduction Note: This Application Note is designed for vendors or manufacturers who plan to add Bluetooth is an innovative new tech- Bluetooth operates in the 2.4 GHz a wireless link to their products by installing nology that provides wireless connec- ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and commercially-available, pre-built Bluetooth tivity to a growing variety of electron- Medical) band, an unlicensed portion ic devices--computers, laptops, of the spectrum that is already well- modules into them. It is addressed to a Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), used. Not only do microwave ovens wide audience working in electronics peripherals, cameras, cellular operate within this range, but other phones, pagers, and wireless head- RF communications technologies as whose knowledge and skills may vary, but sets. Even use with home appliances well, most notable of which are assumes no specific knowledge of RF such as refrigerators has been HomeRF and IEEE 802.11b. Because explored. With Bluetooth technology, this spectrum is unlicensed, even (radio frequency) techniques. small transceiver modules can be more uses for it are expected to be built into a wide range of products, devised in the future. As the band allowing fast and secure transmission becomes more widely used, radio of data and/or voice within a given interference will increase. To counter radius (usually 10 meters). Cables this interference, Bluetooth technolo- may soon be a thing of the past-for gy incorporates several techniques to the first time ever, personal area net- provide robust linkages. Among these works can be created on an ad hoc or are cyclical redundancy encoding, semi-permanent basis without cables packet re-transmission, and frequen- or connectors and network adminis- cy hopping which can occur up to

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