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Now downloading free:HP Vision Architecture Control Document Ver 5 Jul82

HP Vision Architecture Control Document Ver 5 Jul82 free download

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HElJLErI PACKARD SUPIPIary of significant chanies between version 3 and version 5 COMPUTER SYSTEMS - 19447 Pruneridge Ave. CUpertino CA 95014 1. Virtual address space has been cut back frOR 74 to 64 bits. 2. The I'llJIber of privileee levels has been reduced froa 8 to 4. 3. Object Descriptors have been streulined to a 4-word foraat. FrOR: Alan Hewer Date: August 19, 1982 JiPl Miller 4. Procedure linkage has been smplified: the STr-JlechaniSll is no Dave SalOPlaki longer required in Vision Rode. Bert Speelpenning Procedure stack Jlarkers have been reduced to three words instead of four; EXIT can distinguish between Jlarkers laid down by CALL To: ACD Distribution SUbject: VISION Architecture and CALLX, this aignificantly streaJllines exit frca CALL. Control DocUPIent, Version 5 5. SOlIle STATUS bits and other Jlachine state (such as the TCB) have been rearranQ8d to allow faster updates to the addressing enviroraent, such as EXIT or IEXIT. We are proud to announce the release of Version 5 of the VISION ACD. 6. Synchronization of caches and TLBs when Rakilli charlies to the Version 5 incorporates all changes and clarifications that have addressing tables has been .ade the explicit responsibility of previously been transmitted only through PlePlos. This single docUPIent operatini systeR software. provides a stable, self-consistent and cOPlplete description of the VISION processor architecture including I/O instructions. A version 7. The encoding of instructions has changed. Instructions or pairs of the cOlllpanion docuPlent "HP/3000 COlllpatibility Mode" incorporating of instructions now occupy a word or a Jlultiple of words. the eKtended CST structure will be available in October. OrthoQonality of opcodes and operands has been retained. Version 5 of the ACD replaces version 3, and the copy of version 3 in 8. 8 General reQisters have been added. your possession Plust be shredded or returned to Bert Speelpenning at CSY. If you wonder what happened to version 4: there is no version 4

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