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NEC Service Manual - NEC Versa 2400 Series Laptop free download

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SOLD BY laptopia2005 DO NOT RESELL!! PROPRIETARY NOTICE AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMER The information disclosed in this document, including all designs and related materials, is the valuable property of NEC Corporation (NEC) and/or its licensors. NEC and/or its licen- sors, as appropriate, reserve all patent, copyright and other proprietary rights to this docu- ment, including all design, manufacturing, reproduction, use, and sales rights thereto, except to the extent said rights are expressly granted to others. The NEC product(s) discussed in this document are warranted in accordance with the terms of the Warranty Statement accompanying each product. However, actual performance of each such product is dependent upon factors such as system configuration, customer data, and operator control. Since implementation by customers of each product may vary, the suitability of specific product configurations and applications must be determined by the customer and is not warranted by NEC. To allow for design and specification improvements, the information in this document is subject to change at any time, without notice. Reproduction of this document or portions thereof without prior written approval of NEC is prohibited. Versa is a U.S. registered trademark of NEC Technologies, Inc. FastFacts, and NEC SVGA, are U.S. trademarks of NEC Technologies, Inc. All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners. First Printing -- September 1996 Copyright 1996 Copyright 1996 NEC Technologies, Inc. NEC Corporation 1414 Massachusetts Avenue 7-1 Shiba 5-Chome, Minato-Ku Boxborough, MA 01719 Tokyo 108-01, Japan All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved SOLD BY laptopia2005 DO NOT RESELL!! SOLD BY laptopia2005 DO NOT RESELL!! xi Preface This service and reference manual contains the technical information necessary to set up, and maintain the NEC Versa

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