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HP 5980-3082EN free download

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Agilent PSA Performance Spectrum Analyzer Series Measurement Innovations and Benefits Product Note The Agilent performance spec- The technological innovations of trum analyzer (PSA) series (model the PSA series provide measure- E4440A) is the first in a new gen- ment benefits primarily in the eration of spectrum analyzers measurement accuracy, dynamic designed for exceptional perform- range and measurement speed ance and speed in RF and areas. This product note begins microwave measurements. World- with a summary of these benefits class performance of the PSA and innovations, and other prod- series is combined with ease-of- uct notes for the PSA series use improvements, both are the describe them in more detail. result of numerous technology These product notes are listed as innovations. references at the end of this doc- ument. In most applications, mul- tiple PSA innovations work together and reinforce each other to enhance their benefits. The PSA series make the toughest measurements easier and the slowest measurements faster, bringing reliability and repeata- bility to measurements with the highest accuracy and dynamic range. Measurement Benefits of the PSA Series Exceptional Amplitude The accuracy and resolution of Accuracy and Resolution measurements with the PSA series can Most amplitude accuracy eliminate the need specifications of the PSA series for a separate are approximately 10 times power meter. In tighter than preceding high-per- this illustration, formance spectrum analyzers, a two-tone measurement is such as the Agilent Technologies made at 0.1 dB/div. 8563E. The accuracy improve- with a reference ments apply to continuous wave level resolution (CW) signals, signals with both of 0.01 dB. analog and digital modulation, and noise or noise sidebands. Using the Agilent PSA series can eliminate the need for a separate power meter and filters because they combine the frequency selec- tivity of a spectrum analyzer with accuracy approaching that of a power meter. error. Accurate amplitude measure-

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