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Now downloading free:xerox Alto Subsystems Catalog Jun79

xerox Alto Subsystems Catalog Jun79 free download

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Model:Alto Subsystems Catalog Jun79 🔎
Original:Alto Subsystems Catalog Jun79 🔎
Descr: xerox alto memos_1979 Alto_Subsystems_Catalog_Jun79.pdf
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ALTO SUBSYSTEMS CATALOG June 1979 Filed on [Maxc] directory; the supporting documentation is found in the directory unless otherwise noted. If you do not have access to a File Server or Maxc, coniact the Coordinator. AIS: A driver subsystem which interacts with the user to perform a set of standard operations on imaginal data stored as AIS (Array of Intensity Samples) files. DOCUME1\1"fATION: AISdump: A part of the AIS system to write out to the Diablo disk the decimal values for pixels within a specified window. DOCUME1\1"fATION: None. AISmagnify: A part of the AIS system to magnify or minify AIS format images in either 1 or 8 bit/pixel form. DOCUMENtATION: [Erie]Memos> AISshow: A part of the AIS system that displays an AIS image file on the Alto display. DOCUMENTATION: [Erie]Memos> ANALYZE: A part of the Design Automation System that transforms logic diagrams produced using SIL into a file which can be input to the GOBBLE wirelister. DOCUMENTATION: [Maxc] APR OM: Superseded by PROM. ASM: An assembler for the Alto machine language which produces relocatable files compatible with the BCPL loader, BLDR. DOCUMENTATION: ASM.tty or

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