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Now downloading free:HP SSO TWO Technical Documentation Jul87

HP SSO TWO Technical Documentation Jul87 free download

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S50; TWO Technical Documentation July 7, 1987 This list shows all SSO, TWO user manuals, service manuals, installation notes and related publications actively supported. This list replaces all previous SSO, TWO manual lists. We try to update and distribute this list regularly. Each new or revised item in the list is indicated by a vertical bar in the left margin. A "@" to the left of the vertical bar denotes a change in the list due to an error on our part, not a change in the document itself. The "Date(ed)" column lists the publication date(s) currently valid. The "Update" column lists a.ny valid update needed with a manual. An "#" identifies an update which is shrink-wrapped with the manual. The current edition of the manual is shown in parenthesis to the right of the da.Le code. NOTE In February 1987 8S0, TWO began assembling manuals for customer shipments. They WILL NOT be assembled for internal 8S0, TWO orders via an MRT. Manuals ord~red internally (other HP Divisions) with an I/O will be assembled. To show which manuals are assembled for customer shipments there will be an "*,, after the binder size code. The assembly of manuals will be a "phased" program by product num- bers. As manuals become assembled, We will flag them with "I" and add the "*",, after the size code. Valid Dates . Any publication date other than those shown are not valid. Only the date(s) shown for each part are valid. If you have a manual with a later date than shown' on this list please notIfy Darrell Einfalt so the list can be corrected. ' - 2 The_ "Support" column lists either the writer's initials or division currently supporting the part. The writers' initials are: BA Bill Arnold. 3114 BB Bart Bobbitt. 2325 BIll Bob Niland BS Bill Szmyd, 2060 CE Clarke Echols, 3194 DA Dave Arns, 3882 DE Darrell Einfalt, 2061 DP Derald Powell, 3999 JA John Abegg. 2005 JB John Bowie. 3543 JME Jaci Engel, 4159 JW John Woods, 4085 KM Keith Metcalf, 3111 KS Karl Stacey, 3687 MA Mark Archuleta, 2351 IvIF Miriam Flood, 2255 (Marcom) MM Marc McKenzie, 3488 RA Rich Artz, 2036 RM Ray Monson, 3371 SB Stu Beatty, 2067 TEM Tricia Matsoukas SH Wendy Milner. 2182 FSD Fort Collins Systems Division BCD Boblingen Computer Divison CVD Corvallis RND Roseville Networks Division Writers on FSD's documentation SRM system can acce

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