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Now downloading free:xerox PUP FTP Package Nov77

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(ALTODOCS)FTPPACKAGE.TTY;6 THU 17-NOV-77 4:45PM PAGE 1 For Xerox Internal Use Only -- November 17, 1977 Pup FTP Package October 24, 1977 1 Pup File Transfer Protocol Package This package is a collection of modules implementing the Pup File Transfer Protocol. The package is used by the FTP subsystem and the Interim File System and runs on Altos and Novas. 1. Overview This document is organized as a general overview followed by descriptions of each of the modules in the package. A history of revisions to the package is included at the end. Before beginning the main documentation, some general comments are in order. a. The File Transfer Protocol is (alas) complex; this package requires the Pup package and all of its supporting packages plus some other packages not specific to Pup. This docUmentation is less tutorial than normal Alto package descriptions so you should be prepared to consult its author. b. This document describes the external program interfaces for a particular implementation of the File Transfer Protocol, and does not deal with the internal implementation nor the reasons for design choices in the protocol or this implementation. Before considering the details of this package, you should read (Pup>FtpSpec.ears to get the flavor of how the File Transfer Protocol works. The directory also contains descriptions of the lower level protocols on which FTP is based. Detailed knowledge of these protocols is not necessary to use this package, but you must be familiar with the operation of the Pup package. c. This package and the protocol are under active development so users should expect modifications and extensions. d. This package is designed to run on both Altos and Novas, under several operating systems and with several file systems. Functions are carefuly split into protocol-specific and environment-specific modules. This package provides the protocol modules; you must write the matching environment-specific modules. 1.1. Organization The FTP package comes in four modules: Server, User, Utilities, and Property lists. The utility and property list modules are shared by the User and Server. The User and Server modules implement their respective halves of the protocol exchanges. FTPPACKAGE.TTY;6 THU 17-NOV-77 4:45PM PAGE 2 For Xerox Internal Use Only -- November 17, 1977 Pup FTP Package October 24, 1977 2 and Server FTPs through the netw

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