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HP Series37 Diagnostic Specifications May84 free download

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PTSDIAG External Specifications ] PTSDIAG External Specifications Mon, May 7, 1984, 3:23 PM 1 PRODUCT IDENTIFCA TION 1.1 Identification Name: PIC - TIC - SIMB Diagnostic Mnemonic: PTSDIAG Product Number: 1.2 Abstract PTSDIAG is a diagnostic program which verfies the 51MB of the HP3000 Mighty Mouse System. The program is part of the Diagnostic/Utility System (DUS) for the Mighty Mouse System or Series 37. The diagnostic will use both PICs and Tics to heavily load the backplane using DMA transfers to bring out board contingencies. The diagnostic was built from sections of TICDIAG and PICDIAG. 1.3 Project Personnel Laurie Schoenbaum 2 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 Product Overview The PTSDIAG is written in SPL/3000. It is run under DUS (Diagnostic/Utility System). The user is prompted for path and channel information as well as the memory size and the number of repetitions. DMA transfen are executed io load the backplane with operations. A transfer between two PICs and a transfer from a TIC using loopback completes .one pass. If data does not transfer properly or an error occurs in the transfer then an error will be displayed in a clear and understandable manner. Error messages may be suppressed or routed to the system printer. 2.2 User Definition Manufacturing and iab personnei are the primary uSers of PTSDIAG. Some knowledge of the Mighty Mouse system is expected to run the test and interpret the results. The test is used to increase system reliability and detect backplane contentions. PTSDIAG 1 2.3 Product Environment 2.3.1 Hardware Reqirements and Restrictions The following hardware requirements must be met to run PTSDIAG: 1) A minimum configuration HP3000 Mighty Mouse system 2) The memory board used must work wen enough to initiate PSTDIAG 3) An HPIB tape drive and a functioning PIC as the coldload path to load DUS 4) At least one additional PIC 5) A system console and a functioning TIC in slot 1 of the main box for user interaction and operation 6) An HPIB cable to connect the device PIC to the controller PIC 7) Optional: One or two additional PICs for busy channels 2.3.2 Software Reqirements and Restrictions Diagnostic/Utility System Tape 2.4 User Documentation Reqirements The following documents may be used as reference for additional information: * PTSDIAG source listing '" PICDIAG ES and source listing '" TICDIAG ES and source listing '" DMAEX 37 source listing * HP300 Hardware I/O Subsystem ERS * HP3000 Mighty Mouse Hardware Design Document 3 Detailed Functional Specifications 3.1 Individual Function Desriptions The primary function of PTSDIAG is to keep the 51MB backplane loaded with traffic from both the PIC and the TIC and to draw out problems with board interactions and timing dependencies. The test combines Step 45 of PICDIAG a

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