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Now downloading free:xerox Alto Ethernet Interface Jun74

xerox Alto Ethernet Interface Jun74 free download

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Alto Ethernet Interfaco June 22, 1974 Inter~Offlce Memorandum command, It Is used by tho microcode to hold a mask of ones, shifted In from tho rIght, for generating successively larger random numbers In the case of transmission collisions; a transmission without collisions leaves @Elloc with a value of 1. @EICLoc and @EIPLoc oro used to define a buffer for the Input of a packet from the Ethernet; Tal Ethernet Distribution Date, June 22, 1974 @EICLoc holds the number of words and @EIPLoc holds tho address of the first word. Similarly, @EOCLoc and @EOPLoc do fine an output packet. @ESLoc holds the serIal number of the Alto (see below) and Is used by the microcode for filtering out (I.e., From, Metcalfe and Boggs Location, Coyote Hili IgnorIng) packets addressed to other Altos. @ESpare Is a spare location with no use at present. Subjoclt Alto Ethernet Interface

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