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Rohde & Schwarz 03 SML free download

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Original:03 SML 🔎
Descr: Rohde & Schwarz R&S SML User 03_SML.pdf
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SML RF Frequency 4 Instrument Functions This chapter describes the functions of the instrument and its options which can be activated manually via menus or by remote control (frequency and level settings, analog modulations, sweep, and general functions not directly related to signal generation). RF Frequency The RF frequency can be set directly using the [FREQ] key or via the Frequency menu. In the Frequency menu, the frequency of the RF output signal is entered and indicated under Frequency. In frequency settings made with the [FREQ] key, an arithmetic offset is taken into account. Such settings are indicated in the header line of the display. This makes it possible to enter the desired output frequency of subsequent units, if any (eg mixers). The offset can also be entered in the Frequency menu (see next section: "Frequency Offset"). Note: Further settings: Frequency sweep Sweep menu LF frequency Modulation menu LFOutput menu Int./ext. reference frequency Utilities - Ref Osc menu Menu selection: Frequency Fig. 4-1 Frequency menu Frequency Input value of RF frequency at RF output connector. IEC/IEEE-bus command :SOUR:FREQ 100E6 Offset Input value of frequency offset, for example of subsequent mixer. IEC/IEEE-bus command :SOUR:FREQ:OFFS 0 Knob Step User Input value of step size of frequency variation via rotary knob. The RF frequency is varied by the entered step size if Knob Step is set to User. IEC/IEEE-bus command :SOUR:FREQ:STEP 1MHz 1090.3123.12 4.1 E-3 RF Frequency SML Knob Step Decimal The variation step size corresponds to the position of the digit cursor. User User-defined, the variation step size is as entered under Knob Step User. Exclude from Recall Off Normal setting. The stored frequency is loaded too when instrument settings are loaded with the [RCL] key. IEC/IEEE-bus command :SOUR:FREQ:RCL INCL On The stored frequency is not loaded when instrument settings are loaded, ie the current frequency setting is maintained. IEC/IEEE-bus command :SOUR:FREQ:RCL EXCL Frequency Offset On the SML

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