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Now downloading free:xerox Sort.mesa Sep78

xerox Sort.mesa Sep78 free download

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File information:
File name:Sort.mesa_Sep78.pdf
[preview Sort.mesa Sep78]
Size:320 kB
Model:Sort.mesa Sep78 🔎
Original:Sort.mesa Sep78 🔎
Descr: xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Lister Sort.mesa_Sep78.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Sort.mesa_Sep78.pdf

Sort.mesa 2-Sep-78 18:18:51 Page 1 --file Sort.mesa --last modified by Bruce on July 30, 1978 4:30 PM -- translated from Ed McCreight's BCPL by Jim Frandeen DIRECTORY AltoDefs: FROM "AltoDefs", FSPDefs: FROM "fspdefs" USING [NoRoomInZone, NodeOverhead], GPsortDefs: FROM "GPsortDefs", InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs" USING [COPY], StreamDefs: FROM "StreamDefs"; DEFINITIONS FROM GPsortDefs; Sort: PROGRAM IMPORTS FSPDefs, GPsortDefs, StreamDefs EXPORTS GPsortDefs m BEGIN NFiles: CARDINAL = 3; -- number of scratch files bufferSize: INTEGER; compareProc: CompareProcType; files: ARRAY [0 .. NFiles] OF FdHandle; firstFreeEnt: CARDINAL; -- 1 + end of unsorted part of heap vector getProc: GetProcType; heap: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF ItemHeaderHandle; heapSize: CARDINAL; -- end of heap-sorted part of heap vector inputFinished: BOOLEAN; itemIsLeftOver: BOOLEAN; leftoverItem: ItemHandle; leftoverItemLen: ItemLength: level: CARDINAL; maxHeapSize: CARDINAL; maxItemWords: CARDINAL; occItemWords: CARDINAL; putProc: PutProcType; recordSize: CARDINAL; RecordTooLong: PUBLIC ERROR CODE; BuildHeap: PROCEDURE BEGIN L: CAkDINAL; heapSize +- 0; MaintainHeap[]; heapSize +- firstFreeEnt-1; L +- (heapSize/2)+1; WHILE L > 1 DO L +- L-1; SiftDown[L,heap[L]]: ENDLOOP; RETURN: END: BuildRuns: PROCEDURE BEGIN --Continue reading and sorting, alternating in Fibonacci sequence, until the input is exhausted. A: CARDINAL; item: ItemlleaderHandle: i: CARDINAL: j: CARDINAL +- 1; LFile: FcHlandle: NT: CARDINAL; 1 eve 1 .- 1; 00 OPEN files[j]; IF level> 1 THEN dh.put[dh,EOR]; -- end-of-run marker FOR item +- GetHeap[], GetHeap[] UNTIL item

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