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Solutions for Addressing SDR Design and Measurement Challenges Using COTS Technology and an Integrated Design-to-Test Flow to Quickly Develop Optimal SDRs Application Note Overview Problem As the communications industry continues to Designing and testing an SDR presents a grow and evolve, it is becoming more critical to number of difficult challenges. Engineers could quickly, easily and cost effectively modify radio start the design process from scratch, but a devices to support new and emerging technolo- substantial amount of time and resources are gies (e.g., Mobile WiMAXTM and 3GPP Long required to implement the baseband algorithms Term Evolution (LTE)), without requiring new from the ground up, negatively impacting time- hardware. Software Defined Radio (SDR)--a to-market and introducing risk. There are other radio in which some or all of the physical factors affecting time-to-market as well, namely layer functions are software defined--is one that the design's baseband and RF sections technology promising to answer this need. SDRs may be designed by several different teams, are typically comprised of an RF/analog section each potentially using different tools pieced and a baseband section that utilizes program- together in a disconnected flow. These teams mable processing technologies like FPGAs, DSPs may not be collaborating and their different and general-purpose processors (GPPs). tools may not be well integrated, opening the door for significant system integration risks In contrast to traditional radio devices, SDRs when the baseband and RF hardware are provide an efficient and comparatively inexpen- combined. Rapidly evolving standards such as sive way to enable multi-mode, multi-band and/ LTE further add to the design challenge because or multi-functional wireless devices that can the standards are subject to interpretation, be enhanced using software upgrades. Such which introduces risk. Developing an SDR, while capabilities make the SDR well suited for the maximizing resources and minimizing risk and communications market which serves a wide time-to-market, now demands an alternate variety of radio signal formats. For example, solution--one that incorporates commercial many engineers who are currently developing off-the-shelf (COTS) physical layer algorithm SDRs are working on OFDMA physical layer modeling with an integrated design-to-test flow waveforms like Mobile WiMAX and LTE. capable of supporting both baseband and RF methodologies. Solution Utilizing a COTS system design solution with built-in OFDMA physical layer algorithm models offers an ideal way for engineers developing SDRs to maximize their re

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