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Now downloading free:apple Dafax Ramstack Jul85

apple Dafax Ramstack Jul85 free download

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File name:Dafax_Ramstack_Jul85.pdf
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Size:373 kB
Model:Dafax Ramstack Jul85 🔎
Original:Dafax Ramstack Jul85 🔎
Descr: apple lisa macintosh_xl Dafax_Ramstack_Jul85.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name Dafax_Ramstack_Jul85.pdf

I ~~. c l$b. 'f'>? I(~ HA"A_~."'."''''.''OIIr''''''' ...-.IMa.'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1... W' U. MEEIBSI RAwsn"" INSTALLAIloN HINTs ANI) lipS 1. All chips are very sensttive to static electricity. Your board has been thoroughly tested by both AST Research, Inc. and Dafax Processing Corp. and is in proper working condition in the memory conftguratton that you ordered. Please be sure that you discharge any possible stattc electnc1ty from your body before you touch the boanl. Please do not touch the indiyjdualchips. Handle the board from the edges only. Be very wary of carpeted work spaces. Substantial charges of static electrtcity can be. generated by Just walking on a carpet. Be sure to discharge statiC electricity by touching a known grounded object. We cannot be responsible for damage caused by stattc electn city. 2. Pleose

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