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HP a-099 free download

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HP Archive This vintage Hewlett Packard document was preserved and distributed by www. Please visit us on the web ! On-line curator: Glenn Robb This document is for FREE distribution only! r' cover story. ~ Simplify Your Amplifier and Mixer Testing New Network Analyzer Has Nonlinear Measurement Capability. 8y Jim Curran Hewlett-Packard Co. When measuring a device's linear and nonlinear characteristics, multiple test configurations are typically required. Net- work analyzers have traditionally been used to measure the linear reflection and transmission characteristics of RF com- ponents, such as filters and cables, byap- plying a known swept signal and then measuring the magnitude and phase of the transmitted and reflected signals. Ac- tive devices such as amplifiers and mixers, however, require both linear and nonlinear characterization. Each device must be moved between one test set-up The HP 87538 offers new features for nonlinear measurements and direct control of to measure impedance, amplifier gain external instruments. and mixer conversion loss and another loss is added to the contributions of its set-up to measure harmonics and inter- modulation distortion. The latest RF net- work analyzer from Hewlett-Packard Co., predecessor, the HP 8753A. In addition, the HP 87538 offers other new features A device's behavior is linear when a sine wave input produces a sine wave output at the same frequency with only an the HP 87538, dramatically simplifies and designed to aid manufacturing test ap- amplitude and phase change. Examples speeds these tests. The ability to measure plications and provides frequency cover- of linear devices are filters and cables. amplifier harmonics and mixer conversion age from 300 kHz to 6 GHz. The output of a nonlinear device is de- .----

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