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Now downloading free:HP 5957-6584 9123D 3.5 Flex Disc Nov85

HP 5957-6584 9123D 3.5 Flex Disc Nov85 free download

MiniDisc audio equipment - players, recorders- JVC, Panasonic, Sharp, Sony - service manuals, repair information and schematics

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File name:5957-6584_9123D_3.5_Flex_Disc_Nov85.pdf
[preview 5957-6584 9123D 3.5 Flex Disc Nov85]
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Model:5957-6584 9123D 3.5 Flex Disc Nov85 🔎
Original:5957-6584 9123D 3.5 Flex Disc Nov85 🔎
Descr: HP disc 5957-6584_9123D_3.5_Flex_Disc_Nov85.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio > MiniDisc
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File name 5957-6584_9123D_3.5_Flex_Disc_Nov85.pdf

Flidl HEWLETT MANUAL UPDA TE ~~ PACKARD 5957-6,584 UPDATE FOR THE 3 1/2-INCH FLEXIBLE DISC DRIVE SERVICE MANUAL (PART NUMBER 09121-90030) This update is for the tabbed section of the manual labeled 91230. The update covers information on the HP 91230 product. To update your manual, remove the old tab and text from the manual and replace it with this update. The updated section contains a revision date below the page numbers. ICHAPTERI GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Introduction The HP 9123D Disc Drive (Figure 1-1) is a random-access data storage device containing two 3 1/2-inch double-sided disc drives with a storage Gapacity of 710 Kbytes per drive. The DC power for the unit is sup- plied by the host system. The unit was designed for use with the Touchscreen II only, and uses the SUBSET 80 command set. Figure 1-1. HP 91230 Disc Drive. Part Number 5957-6584 1-1 11/01/85 GENERAL INFORMATION Specifications Physical Characteristic's Number of drives 2 Net Weight Height 76mm(2.99 in.) Depth 285mm ( 11 . 1 in.) Width 325mm ( 12 . 8 in.) Interface HP-IB Performance Characteristics HP Double-Density Format Encodtng MFM RotaU.onal speed 600 RPM Bit density @ 6aO RPM Track 79 (inside track) 8717 BPI Track density 135 tracks per inch Tracks per surface 80 Surfaces used per disc 2 Capacity Bytes/sector 512 Sectors/track 9 Tracks 80 Bytes/drive (Formatted) 709.632 Kbytes (154 tracks used for data) Access Time Track-to-track seek 15 ms/track, plus 28 ms settling Maximum track-to-track seek (80 tracks) 1213 ms Average track-to-track 433 ms Maximum rotational latency 100 ms Average rotational latency 50 ms Spindle motor ON time 400 ms Maximum data access time (seek plus latency plus motor ON time) 1.713 s Average data access time 483 ms

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