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Agilent AN 1309 Pulsed Carrier Phase Noise Measurements Application Note Agilent E5500 phase noise measurement system Table of Contents 3 Chapter 1 Introduction 4 Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Pulsed Carriers Time Domain Representation Frequency Domain Representation 10 Chapter 3 How Pulse Modulation Affects the SSB Phase Noise of a CW Carrier Convolution of CW Carrier Spectra and Pulsed Waveform Spectra Noise Aliasing With Pulse Modulation Mathematical Equation for a Pulsed RF Carrier Decrease in Carrier Power Decrease in Pulsed Carrier Spectral Power 16 Chapter 4 How Pulsing the Carrier Affects the Phase Detector Measurement Technique System Noise Floor Measurement Offset Range Mixer dc Offset Recommended Hardware Configurations LO AM Noise Suppression Phase Transients PRF Feedthrough Minimum Duty Cycle Summary 2 Chapter 1 Introduction absolute noise of individual oscillators but to know Advances in RF and microwave communication the residual or additive noise of signal processing technology have extended system performance to devices like power amplifiers and pulse modulators. levels previously unattainable. Design emphasis on Because the final signal in most radar systems is sensitivity and selectivity have resulted in dramatic pulsed, making absolute phase noise measurements improvements in those areas. However, as factors on the pulsed carrier is essential to determining previously limiting system performance have been the overall performance of the system. overcome, new limitations arise and certain para- meters take on increased importance. One of these This application note discusses basic fundamentals parameters is the phase noise of signal sources for making pulsed carrier phase noise measurements. used in pulsed RF and microwave systems. The assumption is made that the reader is familiar In pulsed radar systems, for example, the phase with the basic concepts of phase noise and CW noise of the receiver local oscillator sets the mini- phase noise measurement techniques. mum signal level that must be returned from a target in order to be detectable. In this case, phase Chapter 2 reviews the fundamentals of pulsed noise affects the selectivity of the radar receiver carriers in the frequency and time domains. The which in turn determines the effective range of the majority of terms used in succeeding chapters are overall system. defined throughout Chapter 2. Chapter 3 discusses

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