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Now downloading free:GALLIEN-KRUEGER gallien-krueger-ml-series-service-manual

GALLIEN-KRUEGER gallien-krueger-ml-series-service-manual free download

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Service Manual ML Series Table of Contents Operating Instructions 3 Troubleshooting Instructions 8 Output Disabling 10 Preamp Description 12 Power Supply Start-up 15 ML/E Turn-On Procedure 19 ML/S Turn-On Procedure 21 Schematics 27 Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) 38 ML/S Bill of Materials 53 ML/E Bill of Materials 60 Microamplifier Series- Lead Disassembly and Preliminary Troubleshooting Procedure GK Document # 426-0063-A Model #'s: ML260E, ML260S, ML120E, ML120S- all options 2/15/91 Rev. 9/10/99 SW Disassembly Procedure 1) Remove the bottom cover first by removing the six # 6 screws on the bottom and the three # 6 screws on each side. One side has an extra screw which may require a # 4 screwdriver. Note that the center screw on each side is a machine screw and will need to be returned to the tapped hole in the side of the heat sink when reassembling the unit. On a combo unit, removing only the side screws will allow the electronics to be lifted away from the speaker compartment. The wires connecting the speaker to the electronics should then be detached from the power amp. 2a) ML-S: The ML-S preamp removes easily by removing the three # 6 flat head screws attaching the front panel to the heat sink. 2b) ML-E: The ML-E preamp requires the same three screws to be removed. Also, at the rear panel, remove the two # 2 screws that secure the RFG4 jack and the two # 6 screws holding the balanced outs in place. Using a 15mm nut driver, remove the plastic nuts from the Stereo Aux. In, Return, and Send jacks. Pull the preamp board out and away from the rear panel being careful not to lose the fiber washers from the

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