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Now downloading free:HP Vision Architecture Status Feb83

HP Vision Architecture Status Feb83 free download

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HElJLm PACKARD Basically, a switch lIlarker will be an external procedure l1larker with STATUSB added; an interrupt l1larker is then a COMPUTER SYSTEMS - 19447 Pruneridge Ave. CUpertino CA 95014 SlIJitch l1larker with XO-X15' and BO-B5 added. An additional bit in the TCB, called RSYIP (return-switch in progress) will keep the IEXIT logic straight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UpdatedACD pages are provided. Frol1l: Bert Speelpenning X413~ Date: February 8, 1983 b) switch entry point To: Dick Anderson Subject: VISION architecture A dedicated object in group zero (see under 11) will Alan Christensen status (CPU) provide the'entry point for the switch software in Shane Dickey native lIlode. The SlIJitch operation is no longer regarded Bob Erickson as a trap. I t will have no paraJlleters. Bob Frankenberg This will sav~ 'SOl1le execution time at the expense of Bill Gimple SCll1le replicated code. Larry Goldman (IND) Rich HaJIIl1lons (TCG) Carson Kan 2. Nil~:blect spec if ions Leon Leong (I NO ) Jil1l Nissen The Nil' object is further defined (relative to the ACD"version 5) Ed Olander to guarantee that all implelllentations ca~se consistent traps ,to Elik Porat occur :,rhen atte!1lpting to access lIlel1lory through the nil pointer. Howard S!1li th The full statel1lent is that operating syste!1l software shall set Ken Spalding the OD of object zero in group zero to values that correspond to an ob

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