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A Guide to Better Vector Network Analyzer Calibrations for Probe-Tip Measurements A vector network analyzer (VNA), 6-mil distance 1-mil overlap of the pitched probe heads at both sides such as the HP 8510, 8753, or between probe probe blade on the ISS (e.g., port-1 probe, 150 pm, port-2 87XX (includes 8719, 8720 and blades element probe, 200 pm). 8722) series, combined with Although the dominant VNA cali- Cascade Microtech's 50-ohm Probes placed on a bration method, the SOLT calibra- probes, such as the WPH, ACP, through-connect, or tion is not the best. Its disadvan- FPC, or RFIC series, provides a line standard tages include: powerful tool for IC or module l Determining parasitic inductances characterization, verification, or Probes placed on a and capacitances is difficult, and screening measurements. Calibrating short circuit standard their values must be consistent the VNA with standards at the with respect to a single reference probe tips allows removal of repeat- plane. For this reason, SOLT cali- Probes placed on a able errors from the VNA, cable, brations are best used below 20 GHz. load, or match standard and probe losses and reflections. l Most standards to contact (typi- Accurate calibrations require care- cally 6). ful attention to the calibration LRM Calibration. With LRM, Probes in the air, for an method and elements used, probe you need three calibration stan- open standard tip phy

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