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Now downloading free:AIWA HV-FX5850

AIWA HV-FX5850 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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File name:HV-FX5850.pdf
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Model:HV-FX5850 🔎 HVFX5850
Original:HV-FX5850 🔎
Descr: AIWA Video HV-FX5850 HV-FX5850.pdf
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
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SECTION1 SUMMARY KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS A AC :Alternating Current LPF :Low Pass Filter ACC :Automatic Color Control M MAX :Maximum ACSS :Automatic Channel Setting System MD :Modulator ADJ :Adjust MECHA.CTL :Mechanism Control A/E :Audio Erase MIC :Microphone AFC :Automatic Frequency Control MIN :Minimum AFT :Automatic Fine Tuning MIX :Mixer, Mixing AGC :Automatic Gain Control M.M. :Monostable, Multivibrator A.H.SW :Audio Head Switch MMV :Mono Multi Vibrator ALC :Automatic Level Control MOD :Modulation, Modulator AM :Amplitude Modulation MODEM :Modulator-Demodulator AMP :Amplifier MPX :Multiplex ANT :Antenna APC :Automatic Phase Control N NR :Noise Reduction ASS'Y :Assembly O OSC :Oscillator AUX :Auxiliary OSD :On Screen Display B B :Base P PB :Playback BGP :Burst Gate Pulse PCB :Printed Circuit Board BPF :Bandpass Filter P.CTL :Power Control BS :Brodcasting Satellite PRE-AMP :Preamplifier BW or B/W :Black and White P.F :Power Failure C C :Capacitor, Chroma, Collector PG :Pulse Generator CAN :Cancel PLL :Phase Locked Loop CAP :Capstan PREM.DET :Premire Detect CAP.BRK :Capstan Brake P.P :Peak-to-Peak CAP.RVS :Capstan Reverse PS :Phase Shift CATV :Cable Television PWM :Pulse Width Modulation CBA :Circuit Board Assembly PWR CTL :Power Control CCD :Charge Coupled Device Q Q :Transistor C.CTL :Chro Control, Capstan Control QH :Quasi Horizontal CFG :Capstan Frequency Generator QSR :Quick Setting Record CHROMA :Chrominance QTR :Quick Timer Record CNR :Chroma Noise Redution

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