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Now downloading free:HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1980-03-04

HP HP-Bench-Briefs-1980-03-04 free download

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File name HP-Bench-Briefs-1980-03-04.pdf

I I I - ------ SERVICE INFORMATION FROM HEWLETT-PACKARD RI MARCH-APRIL 1980 Basic Techniques of Waveform Measurement Using an Oscilloscope I i d i t d s N t : This article is based oe Once these concepts are mastered, CRT, an electron beam draws the on a three-prt uideotape series (HP the only remaining hurdle for you is waveform on a phosphor-coated pln 907410) originally developed to to locate the controls on the scope's screen. T i screen presents three hs train customer technicians on the use front panel. Most manufacturers try types of information: voltage infor- and operation of a n oscilloscope. to help you by grouping similar con- mation on the vertical or Y axis, While most of the references EO eon- trols together and separating the dif- time infarmation on the horizontal trols are based on an HP 174OA ferent gmups by color or lines on the or X axia, and intensity information Dual-Trace Owilloscop, the infor- front panel. on the Z d s . All oscilloecopes have mationpresented is bagic and applies controb to @ust the voltage, time to the opernhn of other munufactur- GETTING BACK TO THE and intensity idormation in order to em' oscilloscopes as well. BASICS present a meaningful picture on the I The oscilloecope presents a voltage CRT. Figure 1 shows a block &a- Generally speaking, a technician be- vs. time display of a waveform on a gram of the basic circuits that these coming familiar with a piece of test cathode ray tube (CRT). Inside the controls operate. equipment is concerned about three taiIl&: 0 Knowing where and how to con- nect the test instrument, !I lF 0 Knowing how to adjust the I 4 0 controls, Andknowinghowtointerpretthe `L data. oscilloscope. Why the oscilloscope? Because it is probably one of the most versatile troubleshooting in- struments you have on the bench. You can use

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